Setup NTLM Access To Microsoft SQL Server With JTDS-SSO

Last modified by jhurst on 2024/04/02 14:25

This document explains how to access Microsoft SQL Server data sources using Windows authentication (with or without Single-Sign-On) from DigDash Enterprise.

Supported versions

  • MS SQL Server 6.5
  • MS SQL Server 7
  • MS SQL Server 2000
  • MS SQL Server 2005
  • MS SQL Server 2008

Without JTDS-SSO add-on

DigDash Enterprise natively supports access to Microsoft SQL Server without using this add-on.

You can also access a MS SQL Server data base using Windows authentication without this add-on by specifying the domain name, the user login and password on this domain.

The following condition must be fulfilled:

  • In DigDash Enterprise Administrator, the URL should look like this: jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://[HOST]/[DATABASE];domain=[DOMAIN]
  • The « User » and « Password » fields should be specified (no need for the domain in the user field).

With JTDS-SSO add-on

The JTDS-SSO add-on is useful when you want to use the Windows integrated authentication without specifying a user name or password for the data base user.

The following conditions must be fulfilled:

  • The DigDash Enterprise server is installed on a Windows computer currently connected to an NT domain
  • The account used to launch tomcat (or the service account) must have access to the database, or you must specify a different account name and password when configuring the data source.

Setting up the JTDS-SSO add-on

To allow DigDash Enterprise to access a MS SQL Server data base with Windows authentication, you must do the following:

  1. Extract the folder <DigDash Enterprise install folder>/add-ons/jtds-ss/ to a folder of your choice on the hard drive. This archive contains a DLL ntlmauth.dll for each processor architecture.
  2. Modify the environnment System variable Path by adding the path to the folder containing the ntlmauth.dll corresponding to your processor architecture.

Note on using the jTDS-SSO connector with Kerberos

In Active Directory, the service url HTTP/<computername>.<domainename> must be mapped (declared « SPN ») with the domain service account:

Setspn.exe -S HTTP/<computer-name>.<domaine-name>:<port> <domain-user-account>