Ignite cluster guide

Last modified by Aurelie Bertrand on 2024/04/02 14:43


This document explains the different operations and configurations needed to integrate the DigDash + Ignite module to DigDash and how to start the cluster properly.


To install the module, you will need :

  • DigDash Enterprise 2018R2 or above
  • Apache Ignite (preferably version 2.6.0 or above)
  • The provided clustersettings.xml file
  • The provided zip file containing the necessary jars
  • To launch DigDash Enterprise at least once in order to deploy the required lib folder


Apache Ignite

Apache Ignite 2.6.0 or above is recommended. You can download the different versions and distributions here : https://ignite.apache.org/download.cgi

Once Ignite is installed on all your “slave” machines, you will need to copy all the jars specified in the digdash_jar_list.txt file to the libs folder of your Ignite installation (on all the “slave” machines). These jars can be found in the <Installation DigDash>/apache-tomcat/w
folder. You will also need to copy the DDIgniteCluster
file to the same libs folder.

DigDash Enterprise

Once DigDash Enterprise is installed on your “master” machine, you will need to copy all the jars found in the ignitejars folder to :

<DigDash Installation>/apache-tomcat/webapps/ddenterpriseapi/lib.

Cluster Configuration

To configure DigDash to use Apache Ignite, you must edit the clustersettings.xml file found in the <App Data>/Enterprise Server/ddenterpriseapi/config folder to use a third party cluster.

To do this, you can use the provided clustersettings.xml file.

  1. Copy the file to the folder specified earlier, backuping any existing clustersettings.xml file if needed.
  2. Edit the file in order to use your configuration :
    • replace the config attribute in the ClusterDef tag by your Ignite xml configuration path.
    • Replace the port specified in the adress attribute by the port you use for DigDash.


To start the cluster you must first start the Ignite server(s), then start the DigDash server. A client node will be created on the DigDash server in order to connect to the Ignite cluster and send the tasks to complete to the other servers. All data, tasks and deployed services will be redistributed automatically following changes in cluster topology.

To check whether the module deployed successfully :

  • “Ignite” should appear in the DigDash logs
  • The DigDash server should start normally
  • The number of clients displayed in the Ignite cluster information should increase by 1
  • The following line should appear in the “slave” machines logs :

    “[DDIgniteService]: Executing service”