Notes de version 2020 R1

Last modified by mperroud on 2024/04/02 14:26


2020R1 20200424

Bug #13476: [web studio] Parameter to refresh chart automatically not saved
Bug #13488: [web studio] [prod-ij only] No more field to search for a DS (and in ds editing dialog)
Bug #13608: [SECURITY] Dashboard: Comment subscription request allow an evil user to specify another user name to subscribe
Bug #13609: [SECURITY] dashboard: upgrade tinyMCE to 4.7.12 (min)
Bug #13625: [web studio] Can't see the full content of the combo allowing to select elements you want to focus on
Bug #13629: Geographic level names appear in english when user is french
Bug #13631: [Web Studio]: crash creating a file ds with empty columns
Bug #13636: Image sur un bouton répétée dans l'éditeur de tableau de bord
Bug #13638: Guided analysis : We should have more recent data for demo DS in guided analysis
Bug #13641: Add background image on portlet doesn't work
Bug #13642: [web studio] Creating measure in the DS configuration is bugged
Bug #13648: Guided analysis : specific options in datamodel configuration are not displayed for demo files
Bug #13649: [web studio] missing one line in preview of SQL data source
Bug #13660: [web studio] Error "Widget is disposed" when droping a measure form one axis to another
Bug #13661: Pie Chart label not visible
Bug #13622: [SECURITY] DASHBOARD: DDAPI loopback (SERVERURL param) is visible on network
Bug #13637: Hiding elements using legend doesn't work on a chart with drill
Bug #13653: Use filter match on dashboard doesn't work
Feature #12152: Add formula with standard editor in chart measure for the studio
Feature #13619: [SECURITY][PADSS/A1] Activate GWT compilation options to obfuscate class types in RPC
Guided analysis: fixed some UI issues
Web Studio: New Viz UI: dot lines border
Web Studio: fixed context menu on table
Web Studio: managers entry point layout
Web Studio: removed test code from build path and removed test entrypoint

2020R1 20200428

Bug #13660: [web studio] Error "Widget is disposed" when droping a measure form one axis to another
Bug #13667: DASHBOARD: Text Query hangs when user has not the ACL "View > Search in cubes"
Bug #13680: DASHBOARD: Can't log using some browsers/machines
Bug #13681: user settings page shows an error if a user is in the license but not in LDAP anymore
Doc: tutorial_fr+samples
Guided analysis : fixed some UI issues
png to svg transcoding uncatched errors
studio: Crash by adding a dim in a non-empty axis.
web studio: added 4px top margin to group
web studio: added scrolled composite to icon panel (not svg)
web studio: Crash by adding a dim in a non-empty axis.
web studio: default dialog height extended
web studio: default toolbar bottom padding was to little
web studio: error management
web studio: icon manager popup not always displayed correctly
web studio: svg panel badly displayed in popup (combo)

2020R1 20200507

Bug #13456: Fix ACLs for text query
Bug #13679: List and filter themes alphabetically in self service BI
Bug #13682 : Guided analysis : date should go till 2019 for english version too + FR too for RETAIL sources
Bug #13694: [Studio] Fabrique PPT - Les onglets de personnalisation ne sont pas visibles pas d‚faut dans lune fabrique ppt
Bug #13727: DASHBOARD: Filtre un à un sur le dashboard
Feature #7779: DASHBOARD: We should support filter like toto* in dashboard
Feature #13608 [SECURITY] ENTERPRISE: Fix in comment subscriptions
Feature  #13645 and #13647 [SECURITY] ENTERPRISE: XSS Protection
Bug #13687: ENTERPRISE: Using filter this.dim.max on level doesn't work in chart
Feature: on all settings pages, the hamburger menu includes all access to all pages of settings
Feature: on usersettings page, "duplicate user" is now available in the userlist
Bug: Studio & Web Studio: widget is disposed protection
Bug: web studio: default toolbar bottom padding was to little
Bug: Web Studio: protection against "invalid thread access"
Bug: web studio: protection against "Unsupported or unrecognized format" when loading custom indicator
Bug: web studio: sessionclient not recreated when user changed (url parameter)

2020R1 20200513

Bug #13731: Missing icons in user settings page
Bug #13420: Filter on section of PDFBuilder does not work correctly
Bug #13424: PDFBuilder table generating multiple page overlap with section
Bug #13652: Départements FR-[Code INSEE Dept.] non détectés sur la carte de France par département
Bug #13740: Légende d'une carte non affichée avec forceGradY
Bug #13745: Slicer One By One doesn't work properly
Support #13047: Amélioration Gantt

2020R1 20200518

Bug #13745: DASHBOARD: Slicer One By One doesn't work properly
Bug #13756: Error when editing chart on prod-ij
Bug #13747: on home page, fix container size(width) for have only 3+2 icons
Bug #13650: [web studio] Freeze when executing SQL query
Bug #13750: Problem when loading a json datasource

2020R1 20200520

Feature #13152: FIM Rsa Cleartrust / Frontal web Apache / Digdash Enterprise Studio
Feature #13152: FIM Rsa Cleartrust / Frontal web Apache / Digdash Enterprise Studio (logout)
Bug #13755: Web studio: Error when duplicating measure
Bug #13757: Studio crash when deleteing join in sql query panel helper

2020R1 20200526

Bug #13777: DASHBOARD: Filtrer un flux depuis l'éditeur de TdB en mode Règle sur une date et une hiérarchie freeze le navigateur
DASHBOARD: fix NPE when switching chart properties dialog on editor
Feature #13621: ENTERPRISE: hide tomcat version in uncatched error pages
Bug #13676: ENTERPRISE: fixed map color palette change in self-service BI in dashboard editor
Bug #13668: Timeline - premier label tronqué
ENTERPRISE: ENTERPRISE: Bug #13773: Alignement jalon sur barre verticale
Feature #13152: WEBSTUDIO: FIM Rsa Cleartrust / Frontal web Apache / Digdash Enterprise Studio (logout)

2020R1 20200603

Bug #13814: Web Studio: ppt builder: crash after canceling the preview
Bug #13819: Web Studio: no reattach after refreshing in some casesr31852

DASHBOARD: fix NPE when switching chart properties dialog on editor
Feature #13621: ENTERPRISE: hide tomcat version in uncatched error pages
Bug #13676: ENTERPRISE: fixed map color palette change in self-service BI in dashboard editor
Feature #13730: [SECURITY] ENTERPRISE: Encrypt password on client side
Bug #13788: ENTERPRISE: issue with JTDS and Apache DBCP2
Studio: dim filter operator "equal" not working in the Studio
Web Studio: regression after custom mode implementation (Feature #13152) (crash if deployment in new env)

2020R1 20200604

Bug #13767: Elasticsearch : Encoding problems
Bug #13762: ElasticSearch : java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Username may not be null
Bug: Server settings page, adjust logo "digdash" on IE (top left)
Bug #13689: Nom des exportations de fabrique - Filtre avec une hiérarchie vide
Bug #13424: PDFBuilder table generating multiple page overlap with section
Web Studio: no retry after login error
Web Studio: no popup after login error

2020R1 20200609

Bug #13829: manually change the language in the web studio crashes
Bug #13831: License settings : Unable to ban a user if the license has no named users
Bug #13832: Web Studio: missing half of the UI for SQL connection in manual mode
Bug #13833: [web studio] language used for the UI is not correct
Bug #13844: Web Studio: Open last wallet activated: can't add new flow
Bug #13744: DASHBOARD: Performance issue in the dashboard
Bug #13774: DASHBOARD: Group of column with auto max height does not work well
Bug #13846: DASHBOARD: Wrong display of filters on a group
Web Studio: added param in web.xml to manage public server url (viewflow)
Web Studio: Catch error attempting to display an error dialog
Web Studio: read context params from property file
ENTERPRISE: Fixed regression in server status list of sessions and cubes showing nothing

2020R1 20200616

Bug #13862 on the documentation list page, when we click on "home", now we added domain name from the cookie after "home"
Bug #13795: [web studio] data source preview: horizontal scrollbar not visible enough
Bug #13869: Web Studio: edit flow: preview disappears after force refresh
ENTERPRISE: Fixed regression in server status list of sessions and cubes showing nothing
Feature #13871: ENTERPRISE: Specific cube timeout parameter is not taken into account
Web Studio: added param in web.xml to manage public server url (viewflow)

2020R1 20200623

Feature #13136: Export a graphic measures and hidden measure that are in the tooltip in XLS/CSV
Bug #13830: SQL query assistant relatonship not correctly displayed in webstudio
Bug #13852: [Editeur TdB] Filtre priv‚ sur graph dans un grp de graph. ne s'applique pas
Bug #13864: [web studio] Resizing columns of table or tree table sometimes doesn't work
Bug #13868: [Studio] Crash du studio si je change de source de don‚ne dans un graphique, et que je retire une mesure qui n'existe pas dans la nouvelle source
Bug #13870: Slicers not displayed in some cases
Bug #13878: Non affichage des dimensions dans les box de filtres sur un rôle
Bug #13886: XSS Protection downloadDataCube exclusion rule
Bug #13887: Impossible de retirer un filtre d'un onglet (de rôle)
Bug #13891: Afficher le nom affich‚ plutôt que l'identifiant de l'utilisateur dans l'onglet du tableau de bord
Bug #13894: Web Studio: unable to add keyword in tab chart interaction
Bug #13901: Potential temporary memory leak after cube generation
Bug #13905: Web Studio: appDataPath not taken into account in web.xml nor
Bug #13907: Studio Web/Source ES - barre d‚filement manquante en pr‚visualisation
Bug #13909: Save styles in web studio KO
Web Studio: crash canceling DS manager loading
Web Studio: removed swt specific log lines

2020R1 20200626

Support #13923: DASHBOARD: Affichage dashboard par AI multi onglet
Support #13690: DASHBOARD: Problèmes liés à l'utilisation de l'outil uploadfiletool
Bug #13926: "selectAll" and "selectAllCheckboxUSers"  function as been updated. "
Bug #13863: adding a pop-up by clicking on link "user export"
Bug #13945: Web Studio: support NTLM authentication (Waffle valve)

2020R1 20200724

Bug #13928: Affichage Seychelles sur la carte
Bug #13887: DASHBOARD: Impossible de retirer un filtre d'un onglet (de role)
Feature #13144: DASHBOARD: Avoir à la fois des membres de dimension et des mesures dans la légende du graphique
Bug #13997: ENTERPRISE: fix regression in bursting
Bug #13992: STUDIO: removed call to readmeURL

2020R1 20200804

Bug #14024 : on usersetting page, clear button doesn't be displayed for little screen.
Bug #13960: Impossible de cr‚er une mesure calcul‚e en mode avanc‚ dans le Desktop Studio
Bug #14045 add variable for translate text "Documents" in the top menu, on contentmanagement page. 
Studio: Changed TSA for signing jar (studio jnlp)
Bug #14025: DASHBOARD: Regression sur graph avec filtre de type IS IN
Bug #13997: ENTERPRISE: fix regression in bursting
Bug #14055: ENTERPRISE: AS400 fails on pool validation
ENTERPRISE: Excel builder failure because of style "white-space: normal" (css modified and stacking code protected)

2020R1 20200901

Bug #13978: ENTERPRISE: Fix Total YTD-1 avec top groupe reste
Feature #14051: DASHBOARD: SECURITY: DigdashSessionID cookie should be httpOnly and secure
Bug #13973: Les apostrophes des légendes ne sont pas correctement restituées dans les exports PDF des fabriques (sous la forme &aposemoticon_wink
Bug #13815: HTML report filter does not work
Admin pages: error in web browser console: "servers is undefined" when accessing serversettings directly
Server: addition of log for diagnosing conditions on devices (and alerting on charts)
Condition on flow: crash in some cases when a condition is set on a flow

2020R1 20200922

Bug #14242: ENTERPRISE: Can't drill on line in column chart
Bug #14250: ENTERPRISE: We don't have the JS functions helper when we put an interaction on a html report
ENTERPRISE: Condition on flow: Fixed a regression from 20200901 patch where condition was always met
Bug #13776: DASHBOARD: Erreur filtre "inférieur ou égal" sur Date
Feature #14105 ENTERPRISE: Experimental detection of dubious change in cubes
Bug #14216 ENTERPRISE: LDAP import failing if attribute value casing is different between file and LDAP
Feature #14235: IMPORTTOOL: added option to specify column mapping when exporting users from LDAP to a CSV file
Bug #13872: Studio: ddImport in script column in datamodel return ERROR
Bug #14259: Regression sur le drill down dans les hi‚rarchies pour graph histogramme horizontal
DASHBOARD: Bug #14290: Dashboard editor - parameter popup no shows on filter
Fixer regression on cubeId (missing timestamp, substring crash later)

2020R1 20200929

Bug #14336: Web Studio blocks Tomcat shutdown
Bug #12729: %20 appearing when exporting page as PDF
Bug #14341: Error in preview of PPT builder (PUBLIC SERVER URL IGNORED IN SOME PLACES)
Bug #13898: helping tomcat to stop
Bug #14372: DASHBOARD: [Filtre Date] Les filtres date Min Max ne marche pas si il y a un apostrophe dans l'id de la dimension
Fixer regression on cubeId (missing timestamp, substring crash later)

2020R1 20201005

STUDIO: flow loader thread pool is now timeouting inactive threads correctly
ENTERPRISE: #14249 (Custom CSS not applied all the time in Infographics (and table) in Chrome)

2020R1 20201027

Bug #14324: Fabrique Excel plante si "pas de valeur" dans un tableau
Bug #14561: Error appear in dashboard when dashboard has initial state with drill
Bug #14648: [Filtre sur Dashboard] Mettre des filtres Date sur année puis filtre date sur mois avec des formats "Menu Déroulant" se remplace et s'écrase
Bug #14314: Fabrique Excel plante si total dans un tableau
Bug #14580: Sauvegarder l'état courant ne fonctionne plus correctement
Studio desktop: unable to select another map (manual mode)
Web Studio: Crash editing a DB with shift click
Web Studio: crash editing a jointure if the key column is missing

2020R1 20201110

Bug #14079: Erreur génération fabrique Excel
Bug #14421: Fabrique Excel Appareil eMail Contenu illisible
Bug #13893: Format of XLSX sheet cells is now kept if corresponding option is checked in Excel builder
Bug #14534: Avoir un serveur nommé "action" depuis une source SQL préfiltre tous les flux
Feature #14082, #14747: Studio web - Redirection logout
SSBI: add export "XLS without syles" in viewflow mode

2020R1 20201120

Bug #14734: Erreur Template D3JS
Bug #14814: New tooltip for tables crashes the table when virtual scrolling is desactivated
Bug #14826: Error in cross table
Bug #14356: DASHBOARD: Export name PPT with regular expression
Bug #14731: DASHBOARD: Erreur while executing the script
Feature #12416: Infobulle dans tableau (simple, croisé et arbo)
Bug #14715: Importools: Réinitialisation des paramètres utilisateurs non présents dans le fichier d'importation
Bug #12927: STUDIO: members list was duplicated each time we opened a dim pager with hierarchy and level
Bug #14833: Toolips are no more at the correct positions in charts and table
Bug #14312: ENTERPRISE: Fixed Fourrier forecast and HoltWinter predict algos when there is null data at the very beginning of the time serie
Support #14845: Pb de droits sur installation 2020R1 en Debian 10 et Tomcat 9
Bug #13236: SSBI: saving view don't save selectedMembers in filter dimension
Bug #14879: Default tooltip on cross table is not correct
Bug #14891: Table caption should be in the reverse order
Bug #14492: STUDIO: NoSQL : connection error when creating data source
Bug #14896: Error on table report

2020R1 20201202

Bug #14818: Export: Non conservation du style sur la fabrique PDF
Bug #14896: Error on table report
Bug #14934: DASHBOARD: Sélection flux de données élément Commentaire tableau de bord
Bug #15007: DASHBOARD: Comments list is not correct on flow

2020R1 20201216

Bug #15035: Bug affichage filtre this.dim.max (Date) dans une fabrique Excel
Bug #15013: Export: Infinite loop in PPTTemplateTransformer when a sprite (.js) is badly evaluated
Bug #14842: Suppression de filtre via elements filtres
Bug #14310 : Word cloud Flow - space between words too large
Bug #13840: Checkbox combos are wicked on tablet (also in hdpi screen)
DASHBOARD: Bug #15042: Le filtrage de type "contient" ne fonctionne pas

2020R1 20210112

Bug #15113: FTP client now forces binary file transfer mode
Bug #15118: [DASHBOARD] Problème de filtre (les filtres ajoutés sur un conteneur de pages ne sont pas sauvegardés)
Bug #14920: [DASHBOARD] Error when loading specific dashboard

22020R1 0210114

Bug #15244: Problème de régression CSS après migration de 2020R1 patch 20200922 vers 2020R1 patch 20201120 (Support #15220: Bug - Apparence des tableaux différent entre PREPROD et PROD)

2020R1 20210119

Bug #15215: Issue with date formatting in weeks in 2020

2020R1 20210122

Bug #15321: Legend for OSM graph with svg icon is not displaying the dimension members

2020R1 20210128

Bug #15376: Wrong legend using option
Support #15306: Fonctionnement option afficher une icone permettant de modifier un élément sur un contenu additionnel légende

2020R1 20210212

Bug #14545: Mail does not work anymore (openjdk11 ?)

2020R1 20210303

- Bug #15505: Filter selection order impacts data result
- Support #15182: Cacher les éléments sans valeurs, comportement étrange
- Bug #15476 : Filter behavior different between navigation bar and element
- Bug #15462 : Bar chart / age pyramid : null value are displayed

2020R1 20210426

- Bug #15652 : Rechercher un chiffre ne fonctionne pas dans la recherche globale
- Bug #15680: Bar charts: curw error
- Bug #5921 [Dashboard] : Filters : depending of the format used for display/filter the members of a dimension, the search box returns or not members

2020R1 20210726

- Bug #14249: [Dashboard] Custom CSS not applied all the time
- Bug #16376: [Dashboard] Js impacts calendar slider rendering (Support #16333: Comportement étrange curseur et calendrier sur navigateur Edge)
- Bug #15904: Export: tree table ppt/pdf not working
- Bug #15905: Cross table context filter not applied
- Bug #10255: Fix on crosstable, intersection action was lost when data model was updated with more or less dimensions
- Enterprise: Optimization of JS min/max filter in associated measures