Authentification SAMLv2 - Configuration

Last modified by jhurst on 2021/11/15 09:22


I. Prerequisites

In this document we will call:

SP: Service Provider or Service ProviderIdP: Identity Provider
Kpr (SP): the private key of SPKpr (IdP): the private key of the IdP
Kpb (SP): the public key of SPKpb (IdP): the public key to IdP


Have the following items available:

  • the SP private key
  • the public key of the SP
  • the IdP public key
  • OpenSSL: a tool for handling objects used for secure connections (x509 certificates, signatures, encryption, etc.). It allows in particular the formatting of certificates.

Important  :

If both parties (SP and IdP) are expected to sign their data,

  • In particular, care should be taken to ensure that certificates with the public keys exchanged are certified by a certification authority (CA-signed certificate).
  • In the case of self-signed certificates, it will be necessary to check whether these are supported by either of the parties.

II. Principles

The actors and tools necessary for the implementation of a secure SAMLv2 communication (encrypted and / or signed) can be summarized as follows:

Service Provider
 (SP Service Provider)
CommunicationUnifying identity
 (Identity Provider IdP)
Encrypts data with Kpb (IdP)


The SP sends the encrypted and / or signed authentication request to the IdP

Decrypt data with Kpr (IdP)
Sign data with Kpr (SP)Valid signature with Kpb (SP)
Decrypt data with Kpr (SP)


The IdP sends the encrypted and / or signed SAMLv2 response to the SP

Encrypts data with Kpb (SP)
Valid signature with Kpb (IdP)Sign data with Kpr (IdP)

Principle: encryption and signature of the data exchanged between the SP and the IdP

The SP must therefore be aware of

- the SP private key

- the public key of the SP

- the public key of the IdP

III. Formatting of private keys

Onelogin requires PKCS # 8 format for private keys (the content of the key must start with "BEGIN PRIVATE KEY").

If you ever have a private key in PKCS # 1 format (the content of the key begins with "BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY"), format it by generating a new private key in the correct format using the command:

openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform pem -nocrypt -in sp.rsa_key -outform pem -out sp.pem

IV. Retrieving keys in a string

Onelogin provides online tools to recover keys in the form of a character string without losing the format.

IV.1 Public key

We can use the tool available via the following link to retrieve the character string corresponding to a public  key :

We want to recover the public key in the following form ( WITH headers and WITHOUT carriage return ):


with XXXXXXX the content of the “X.509 cert in string format” section


Onelogin online tool: formatting an x509 certificate containing a public key

IV.2 Private key

We can use the tool available via the following link to retrieve the character string corresponding to a private key :

We want to recover the private key in the following form ( WITH headers and WITHOUT carriage return ):


with YYYYYYY the content of the “Private Key in string format” section


Onelogin online tool: formatting a private key

V. Overloading of properties in the security file

In the SAMLv2 security file (.properties) add the following properties:

onelogin.saml2.sp.x509cert: the certificate containing the public key of the SP

onelogin.saml2.sp.privatekey: the SP private key

onelogin.saml2.idp.x509cert: the certificate containing the IdP public key

Extract from the SAMLv2 security file overloading the properties concerning public / private keys


# Service Provider Data that DigDash deploys

onelogin.saml2.sp.x509cert = -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----XXXXXXX-----END CERTIFICATE-----
onelogin.saml2.sp.privatekey = -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----YYYYYYY-----END PRIVATE KEY-----

# Identity Provider Data used to connect with DigDash (SP)

onelogin.saml2.idp.x509cert = -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----ZZZZZZZ-----END CERTIFICATE-----
