Display a Dashboard

Last modified by jhurst on 2021/11/15 09:22


To display a dashboard :

  •  Open the welcome page
  •  Start your browser, then enter  the URL http://ServerName:ServerPort (example: http://localhost:8080). The DigDash enterprise welcome page is displayed.
  • Click the Access dashboards link.


  •  In the connection dialog box, enter the user name and password (the user must have the authorization “display a dashboard”). Click the More button to the server URL (localhost:8080 by default) and the domain name. Click the Sign in button.


  •  The user dashboard is displayed. To display the dashboard of a role, click the tab with the role name. 

Example : the user John Smith who has two roles : sales and Marketing displays the sales dashboard by clicking the appropriate tab


The user can execute the following actions on a dashboard :

Save a chart as PDF, PPT, Excel or CSV

Save a dashboard item as PDF, PPT, Excel or CSV file by clicking the Menu icon cog at the top right of the item, then by selecting  Save as PDF, Save as  PPT, Save as Excel or Save as csv (the user must have the authorization “Save as PDF“, “Save as PPT”, “Save as Excel” or “Save as CSV”).


Print a chart

You can print a chart by clicking the Menu icon cog  at the top right of the item, then by selecting Print.

Add a comment

To add a comment on your chart, click the Menu icon cog at the top right of the item, then select Add comment. The dialog box Comments editor is displayed.

  •  Type your comment. If you want to localize this comment, enter the value for each language. You can also enter HTML content after clicking the HTML button.
  • Select the context in which you want to display your comment: by default, the comment will be visible on all charts. If you want to display it only for the selected chart, check the box Only on this chart. You can also specify dimensions values for which you want to display the comment (example: display the comment only when the year 2010 is selected)


View comments

To view the comments, click the Menu icon cog at the top right of the item, then select View comments.


Maximize or minimize a chart

Click the Maximize 1593764846166-554.png or the Minimize 1593764866506-253.png icons at the top right of the item.

Interact with th dashboard

Navigate in the dashboard data

Depending on the user interactions defined on the chart, you can navigate into the hierarchies or filter the data (you must have the authorization “Navigate into charts”)

  • Navigate into the hierarchies

Example : on a chart displaying the turnover per year, clicking a year will display the turnover per month for the selected year.

► Chart showing the turnover per year :


►  Chart displayed after having clicked the 2009 year :


 To come back to the turnover per year, the user must select Year in the breadcrumb displayed on top of the chart.

  •  Filter chart items: The user can select dimensions values in the navigation bar at the top of the dashboard page. Depending on the number of values of the dimension, a  list of value or a search box is displayed. By default, the list of values will be displayed if you have less than 50 values, else a search box will be displayed. You can modify this parameter by changing LIMITSEARCHBOX setting in the server settings page of DigDash Enterprise.


 To remove the filter,

  • click the red cross besides the filter name if you have set a filters widget in a dashboard or
  • select All in the list of values of your dimension.

Open a URL or execute a javascript

Depending on the user interactions defined for the chart, clicking a chart item can open a URL or execute a javascript function. 

Modify variables

You can modify variables to analyze in real time the impact on other indicators.


Modify the selection

Click the Selection button in the toolbar 1593765359659-357.png

  •  Click the save icon 1593765763094-511.png to save the current selection (page, filters and hierarchies selected)
  •  Click the remove icon cross to remove the selected filters and hierarchies 
  •  Click the initial state icon resultset_first to come back to the intial state.
  •  Click the previous icon resultset_previous to display the previous selection state
  •  Click the Next icon resultset_next to display the next navigation state

Save your dashboard for offline connection

Click the Offline mode button to store y our dashboard locally so that you can use it offline.
The URL to access offline dashboard is : http://ServerName:Port/digdash_dashboard/offline.html


Parameter dashboard URL

You can add parameters to dashboards URLs in order to specify :

  •  the name of the user and his password,
  •  the name of the page to display,
  •  a list of filters,
  •  values of variables, 
  •  the display or not of the banner and the interactive filters bar,...

Refer to the documentation “url_parameters” to get more information on these parameters as well as DigDash integration in web sites .