Release notes 2022 R2

Last modified by Aurelie Bertrand on 2025/01/14 14:21

Patch 20241213 (last version)

(MD5: 69b1ae722451bbd11c49f924131b2813)

[Export] Bug #33826: Cross table: option added to choose the export type (uncrossed or not) in the export options (Server Settings).
[Export] Bug #33926:  Excel export with styles does not work in the case of CSS classes with escaped special characters.

Patch 20240404


[Authentication] Bug #30717: Token generation problem with extranet type licenses
[Import Tool] Bug #29549: Wrong update of [cn] field when importing data with Import Tool
[Security] Bug #30850: Security issue for H2 databases (SQL)
[Security] Bug #30851: VT.02 - Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Reflected

Patch 20231118

(MD5: 6867305ba0e7e74357183d2fa5fa147a)

[Dashboard] Bug #25994: Offset of unfoldable objects

Patch 20231025


[Charts] Bug #27486: Chart: Two scrollbars appear with virtual scrolling
[Charts] Bug #26909: Crosstables: Metrics picker - Selected metrics not appearing in feed
[Charts] Bug #26923: Crosstables: Measures selected in the measure selector not compliant with PDF export
[Charts] Bug #26979: Crosstables: Goal color is not displayed when the goal is based on a metric
[Charts] Bug #26546: OpenStreetMap: Infinite loading wfs layer
[Authentication] Bug #24698: SAML: 500 error appears when "RelayState" is empty

Patch 20230904

(MD5: b65c2c371a2acdee61c562dab0608ba6)

[Charts] Bug #25938: Labels stuck in the same place on a bar chart
[Charts] Bug #25237: Problem displaying area flow tooltip
[Studio] Bug #26238: Crash when loading a BO source in certain cases
[Authentication] Bug #26374: No error message appears when authentication in SSO mode fails (license problem, session limit, etc.)
[UserSettings] Bug #24571: Profile: Read-only role does not work

Patch 20230719

(MD5: 281dc950625957e69cf32cb8b3f0e134)

[Authentication] Bug #25865: Slow connection via some Active Directories
[BEx] Bug #20874: Execution of Bex queries without measurements
[Chart] Bug #24901: Error when sorting on a measure in certain cases
[Cross table] Bug #25568: Disappearance of scrollbars
[Excel builder] Bug #25776: Crash with a certain template that contains numeric type cells (xlsm)
[SSBI] Bug #25786: Missing formats
[Studio] Bug #24734: Transformation of unremembered columns
[User settings] Bug #25447: The display of rights for a role is not consistent with the user rights

Patch 20230609


[Charts] Bug #24500: Columns Chart: Target does not work if the measure is on the Column axis
[Dashboard] Bug #25331: Flow names in the dashboard editor do not match those displayed in the Studio (when the flow name contains special characters)
[Dashboard] Bug #25228: Filters not visible in a collapsible object
[Dashboard] Bug #23187: Dashboard embedded in a website does not work if the domains are different
[Dashboard] Bug #25139: Description with ${filters} does not display the correct filters
[SSBI] Bug #25070: Ad-hoc analysis: Filtering a date using the calendar is impossible
[SSBI] Bug #25081: Ad-hoc analysis: Filtering more than 5 elements is not possible
[DataSource] Bug #25279: SAP Bex: Connections seem incorrect or reused in some cases
[DataSource] Bug #25343: SAP Bex: The "Create an additional key column for each dimension" option does not work if the box is checked after preview
[Server] Bug #24532: Added authentication to the syncherapi.jsp page
[Server] Bug #24976: User management: Display of rights (RWX) of an incorrect role in certain cases

Patch 20230522


Bug #24854: Update of the CGUM version April 2023
Bug #24815: Fixed a JSON error during a backup
Feature #24760: ddbobridge: Facilitate migration to BO 4.3 using CUIDs instead of DocIds
Bug #24495: Excel export, hidden measurement export
Bug #23541: Updating profiles disrupts the scheduler

Patch 20230511


[Charts] Bug #23491: Flower chart (radar) - Using a max scale measurement changes the value of the measurement
[Charts] Bug #23710: Custom tick marks on the scales of Chart type charts are reset in the Dashboard or document factories.
[Charts] Bug #24145: OSM charts - tooltip does not display all dimensions if the chart has several dimensions
[Charts] Bug #24370: Display of smart cursor tooltip information does not always adapt to tooltip size
[Charts] Bug #24639: Histogram legends display non-existent elements in specific cases (zero values on a hidden axis).
[Charts] Bug #23310: Problem with setting allowing bars to be scrolled with the mouse wheel on bar charts
[Dashboard] Bug #23820: Checkbox filter - Start a search and click "Select all" does not work
[Dashboard] Bug #23632: Problem displaying dashboard pages containing empty chart groups
[DashboardEditor] Bug #23675: CSS editor does not allow copy/paste using CTRL-C + CTRL-V.
[DashboardAssistant] Bug #23643: Dashboard creation wizard - Certain formats are unavailable on calculated measures (percentage,...)
[DashboardAssistant] Bug #23645: Dashboard Wizard - Invalid calculated metric names
[DashboardAssistant] Bug #23646: Dashboard Creation Wizard - calculated metrics are unavailable when creating other metrics
[DataSource] Bug #24418: JSON data sources: advanced settings (query, schema, etc.) are reset when the JSON file used is reloaded
[DataSource] Feature #24565 JSON Data Sources: [Optimization] Don't parse/flatten all json during preview if a schema is specified
[DataSource] Bug #24566 JSON Data Sources: Allow user to have partial results if they cancel preview loading
[DataSource] Bug #24035: NoSQL preview loads more items than expected.
[DataSource] Bug #21077 SAP Bex: Missing information when editing SAP Bex models
[DataSource] Bug #24845 SAP Bex: Disabling columns does not work
[DataSource] Bug #24851 SAP Bex: Activation and deactivation of columns is not taken into account during data preview.
[DataSource] Feature #23869 SAP Bex: support for key values for dimension members
[DataSource] Bug #24832 SAP Bex: some queries have an incorrect identifier in the search field when editing
[DataModel] Bug #24589 Data source transformers fail if initial source contains invalid characters (e.g. &#)
[Studio] Bug #24011: Data model categories are sometimes lost
[Studio] Bug #24476: Crosstabs generate an error when moving a dimension from "Row" to "Column".
[Studio] Bug #21580: No warning when deactivating virtual scrolling (this could have an impact on graph display times).
[Studio] Bug #23280: [Flow] Tooltip: no scroll bar in the list of dimensions/measures usable in tooltips when the number of dimensions/measures is large.
[Studio] Bug #24173: [Studio] the flow properties panel to enable/disable translation is not visible by default.
[Studio] Bug #23332: The simulated measurement disappears on the graph as well as the model on which it was calculated, after a modification of its calculation.
[Studio] Bug #24286: Updating the name of a calculated measure breaks calculated measures using it
[Studio] Bug #24146: OSM cards - Filtering is incomplete with the "opens a pop-up flow" interaction.
[Studio] Bug #24556 editing graphics: the panel allowing the addition of javascript functions is empty
[Builder] Bug #24536: HTML factory: the image and the feeds do not seem to be displayed correctly on the iPhone mail client and on Thunderbird
[Builder] Bug #24727: Slide numbering is activated by default in the case where the PPT factory is created without going through the wizard.
[Export] Bug #24254: When exporting, the crosstab does not take the predefined decimal separator (comma).
[Backup] Bug #23815: Backups with dependencies do not work in certain cases
[Settings] Bug #24530: The "systeminfo.jsp" page returns an error.
[Server] Bug #23692: Temporal transformers do not always apply instantly, and require a refresh.
[Server] Bug #23871: Problem generating MongoDB cube with a connection in manual mode.
[Server] Bug #24123: Problem when using live security scripts on explored metrics.

Patch 20230403

(MD5: bf4d9c4e8de2c9560656fd567c11ad3b)

[Backup] Bug #24116: Smart backup does not include shared schedules from flows (those of the models are OK)    Actions
[BEx] Bug #23718: Variables are invisible in filters/variables dialog
[BEx] Bug #23867: Fix preview failing silently and displaying nothing after an initial preview
[Chart] Bug #23108: Column chart: Option "independent scales" not working
[Chart] Bug #24141: Can't sort table on the second dimension if an overall at start is on the first dimension    Actions
[Data model] Bug #23068: Offset of columns in query
[Data model] Bug #23684: Checking the number of duplicate identifiers in a data source
[Data model] Bug #23901: Off by one error when checking DS validity
[Importtools CSV] Bug #22054: Incorrect user parameter and impossible to edit a user after user import
[Studio] Bug #23306: Embedded progress bars or dialogs hanging in some cases
[Studio] Bug #23699: Link forgotten password doesn't look good
[Studio] Bug #23759: Freeze when network error (ERR_NETWORK_CHANGED or ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED)
[Studio] Bug #23829: Remove cubes - resize with a lot of DM not working
[Studio] Bug #23856: Not able to display the color panel in studio
[Studio] Bug #24033: Crash when trying to open color manager
[Studio] Bug #24200: Some issues when a role has been added to a user already connected
[User settings] Bug #24117: Advanced user search also searches for Profiles
[User settings] Bug #23568: Unable to create a profile from a user in some cases

Patch 20230313

(MD5: 2a4f9c12718c730713651342f0a11cbd)

[ServerSettings] Bug #20604: The menu does not show the entire list of items.
[Cluster] Bug #23692: Some transformations (temporal) are not well handled when cluster is activated.

Patch 20230310

(MD5: 43bde307e8841360e30aca32b7011559)

#18177: [SAML] Fixed an issue when logging out
#20966: [Builder] The font is not respected for the captions while it is for the title
#21393: Cross Table: double navigation path not working
#21624: Zone selection doesn't work when several dimensions are dropped on a same axis
#22214: [Studio] Grayed out button in the script manager
#22216: [Dashboard] The window for choosing the icon of a dashboard role page has a false title
#22247: [Dashboard] Fields entered incorrectly via "Forgotten password"
#22328: [Studio] Error when editing a filter in the context manager
#22501: [Studio] Error when using Live Security with a transformer
#22664: [Dashboard] The slider filter does not have the same behavior in 2022R1 and in 2022R2
#22700: Keyboard shortcut not working
#22722: Create a graph not at the right z-index
#22772: [DashboardEditor] Wrong display on portlet properties panel
#22792: [Studio] When viewing a data model from the studio list and then canceling, the list reloads
#22824: [Backend] Improved handling of decimal numbers in scripts
#22843: [Studio] Fixed interface issue in SQL Query Assistant
#22845: [Dashboard] The openPortletInWindowWithFilter function does not work correctly
#22916: [Studio] Improved Excel file loading performance in some cases
#22940: [Export] The filter summary when exporting via PDF device works poorly when it is "after"
#22944: [License] Supervisor cannot log in if assigned as extranet
#22955: [PPT Builder] Fixed a bug with squares in the caption
#22972: When displaying the content of the schedulerrepository.xml file in the backup page, the id are displayed and not the name of the shared schedule
#22984: [Server] Problem using mobile app
#22986: [Broadcast] Stream personalization is not taken into account
#22987: Broadcasting sometimes leap sending
#22996: TDB editor: Filtering on the editing graph does not work
#23022: [Backup] The vector storage directory is missing in backups
#23024: [PDF Builder] SVG size issue when duplicated
#23025: [PDF Builder] SVG size problem in PDF result
#23026: [Builder] Configuring a portlet in "header" or "footer" mode extends to all portlets
#23028: [Builder] SVG preview does not fill the portlet
#23029: [Builder] Positioning an object with the directional arrows does not work
#23054: [PDF Builder] The size of the PNG is wrong in "preview" mode
#23055: [PDF Builder] Editing the positioning of an object does not work
#23073: [Builder] In the "Fonts" tab of the studio, the "Open Sans" font is not offered
#23084: [Studio] “Column” charts only display one bar
#23087: [PDF Builder] Images used in header/footer are not included in the backup
#23095: [Server] Modification of the necessary accesses for the JSP systeminfo.jsp
#23102: [PDF Builder] Some portlets do not appear in the final PDF
#23104: BO access would not work from Studio if SAML (or other valve?) is installed
#23130: [Builder] Unable to download PDF preview if name contains certain characters
#23191: [Dashboard] D3 display error
#23196: [Studio] D3 script error if no CSS is assigned
#23237: [Settings] Improved priority system for profiles and users
#23282: [Dashboard] The “Allow level change” checkbox disappears
#23294: [BEx] Allow use of BEx query name in Live Security script
#23306: [Studio] Some progress bars and interfaces may get stuck
#23309: [HTML Builder] PDF preview of an HTML factory downloads a file in the wrong extension
#23341: [Settings] Improved profile management for users without any
#23362: [Studio] Deleting a shared template on save
#23427: [Security] Password security issue in SAML valve
#23505: [Studio] Error with pie charts
#23542: [Studio] Error in chart editing HTML Report
#23591: [Dashboard] Fields entered incorrectly via "Forgotten password"
#23622: [Builders] Multiselection does not work well

Patch 20230202


[Ad-Hoc] Bug #21260: Subcategories displayed at the same level as the categories.
[Broadcasting] Bug #21755: Broadcast results are not displayed correctly. (Can't scroll down.)
[Broadcasting] Bug #22009: Files generated by Broadcast do not always use the correct user parameter values.
[Builders] Bug #22286: PowerPoint emails are not sent correctly in certain cases.
[Charts] Bug #20721: Problem when exporting crosstabs with Date.
[Charts] Bug #22380: Unable to sort on subcolumns with a crosstab.
[Charts] Bug #22185: Sankey chart does not work when dimension members have spaces.
[Charts] Bug #22256: Goal lines are not displayed correctly on metrics displayed inline in a histogram.
[Charts] Bug #22426: Filters on tree tables do not work when the filtered member contains single quotes.
[Charts] Bug #22429 Total is not displayed correctly in some cases on waterfall charts.
[Charts] Bug #21947: Better handling of labels on charts.
[Cluster] Bug #22516: The CUBEPART_MAXSIZEMB parameter does not work in certain cluster configurations.
[Dashboard] Bug #22246: Javascript error when resizing portlet.
[Dashboard] Bug #22718: The "Copy as link" function no longer works.
[DashboardEditor] Bug #22465: Focus issue in advanced editing of HTML editors.
[DashboardEditor] Bug #22767: Renaming portlets within groups did not work
[DashboardEditor] Bug 22717: The "Edit chart (advanced)" button no longer works in the TDB editor.[
[Server] Bug #22504: Password management problem linked to FireEvent type events in the logs.
[Settings Page] Bug #20973: Changing role priority is only saved after two attempts.
[Settings Page] Bug #22359: Profile modification not saved.
[Settings Page] Bug #22384: User profile: retention of deleted rights.
[Settings Page] Bug #22615: The list of roles is sometimes empty when editing a user.
[Settings Page] Bug #22740: "dd_hidden_value" is sometimes displayed in the side menu instead of the user id.
[Studio] Bug #21666: The downloaded PDF document is sometimes incorrectly named.
[Studio] Bug #22023: "index out of bounds" error in the CSS editor in certain cases
[Studio] Bug #22210: Problem when removing the extension of files used as style sheets.
[Studio] Bug #22374: The list of personal graphics is empty when using the "Open a popup flow" interaction.
[Studio] Bug #22388: Changing the order of measures in a crosstab may not work.
[Studio] Bug #22393: Updated the message appearing when renaming columns.
[Studio] Bug #22622: [Filter on a chart] Problem displaying dimension elements containing many distinct members.
[Studio] Bug #22625: Unable to assign a shared data model to a category, in the destination wallet.
[Studio] Bug #22627: Double-click support for adding dimensions/measures in graphs and source transformers.
[Studio] Bug #22628: Editing categories can delete feeds.
[Studio] Bug #22636: translation issue on tooltips appearing on data model attributes.
[Studio] Bug #22719: Error when editing a model during dependency analysis if the model has been deleted.
[Studio] Bug #22750: Custom tooltips are not displayed in the graph if they are not translated.
[Studio] Studio: Error in some cases when deleting a device from Device Manager.
[Studio] Bug #22427: Document factories: the names of documents generated during download are not correct. (PPT, PDF, Excel, HTML...)
[Studio] Bug #20592: Double-clicking on a table to add it in the SQL query creation wizard does not work.
[Studio] Bug #22839: Error when dragging and dropping measures into a line chart.
[Studio] Bug #22798: Error in editing certain data models.

Patch 20230103

(MD5: db0104f4952c84c1d6c56554d2b8e282)

[Chart] Bug #20992: Using an external dimension with the "Show root level" option of the hierarchy unchecked does not work
[Chart] Bug #21552: First negative cascade bar not displayed
[Chart] Bug #22093: automatic hierarchy extracted from a dimension should inherit form the manual sort of this dimensions
[Chart] Bug #22162: [column graph] - There is a gap between the scale and the values
[Chart] Bug #22251: Restoring “No values” for D3 charts
[Chart] Bug #22281: Waterfall chart: Total remains frozen when scrolling
[Chart] Bug #22167: An "Error: Server" message appears on a horizontal bar chart since 2022R2 while it was functional in 2022R1
[Dashboard] Bug #22126: Show/hide portlet do not work properly on group of charts
[DashboardEditor] Bug #22131: Re-order portlets in group of columns do not work properly
[DashboardEditor] Bug #22135: Can't deactivate the display of menu on group
[DashboardEditor] Bug #22139: The portlet properties panel is not well updated on certain portlet
[DashboardMobile] Bug #22133: Dashboard page is empty on mobile
[Importtool] Bug #22265: create doesn't work
[Importtool] Bug #22290: does not launch (NoClassDefFoundError message)
[Settings] Bug #22015: Error 500 when opening users management page
[Settings] Bug #22070: Assign a profile function doesn't work
[Studio] Bug #21108: Column name and script offset affected
[Studio] Bug #21358: Problem with global translations
[Studio] Bug #21649: service exception when clicking on wlnk button in mdb setting
[Studio] Bug #21744: Rule: list dimension increase studio height
[Studio] Bug #21754: After enabling side panel, switching role resizes the panel
[Studio] Bug #22021: Several dimensions on one axis causes error on D3 text report
[Studio] Bug #22064: Issue with dependency analysis
[Studio] Bug #22065: ES: shift + click not working to edit DM
[Studio] Bug #22130: Studio: script manager: unable to duplicate a script without extension
[Studio] Bug #22175: Keyword or description doesn't work in studio
[Studio] Bug #22243: Calculated measurement context impossible to configure
[Studio] Bug #22252: Script added to a column of a DM is lost when reediting the DM
[Studio] Bug #22261: Error in format manager
Fix empty selection issue.
[Studio]: Measure selector dialog title

Patch 20221206

(MD5: d0e03b9573b24e5dec5974106ecc70a2)

[Dashboard] Bug #21968: Integrating several feeds via Iframe into the same web page results in a very long display time
[Builder] Bug #21710: Dashboard: Can't save page as PPT Builder with button
[Chart] Bug #22010: Gauges configured with a metric and a goal based on metrics do not work
[Charts]: Bug #21552: First negative cascade bar not displayed
[Charts] Feature #21273: Waterfall Chart: Max Size labels (in %) does not work
[Dashboard] Bug #21948: Managing the accessibility of KO dashboard subpages
[DashboardEditor] Bug #21533: Specify a filter with multiple values transform the slicer viz
[DashboardEditor] Bug #21694: Review "Information" box for links objects
[DashboardEditor] Bug #21898: Hierarchy issue in comparison group
[DashboardEditor] Bug #21903: Emote on title not working
[DataEntry] Bug #21833: Error in SQL syntax when sending form to MariaDB
[DataEntry] Bug #21834: Prefilter dashboard does not preselect form input
[DataEntry] Bug #21845: Form display infinite "loading" message when the link between form input and dimension is broken
[Export] Bug #21841: PDF Builder with custom_header not working
[Export] Bug #21999: Export D3: PDF/PPT builders default templates
[Function manager] Bug #21893: Synchronization issue
[Logs] Bug #21614: Missing flow in builder "null"
[Logs] Bug #21921: MsgId for trad cannot be null message
[Settings] Bug #21813: update alert message for prohibited char
[Settings] Bug #21912: utils_incl.jsp as been updated and includes to the bursting page
[Settings] Bug #21930: “See users” button for a role does not take profiles into account
[Settings] Bug #21958: fixed a cache issue when assigning a role and a RWX to a user.
[Studio] Bug #20363: copy/paste builders does not duplicate flows and template file
[Studio] Bug #20470: Wallet displays charts twice
[Studio] Bug #21397: Error when clicking dependency analysis
[Studio] Bug #21398: ColorManager: can edit a color palette event if the color palette is read only (secured by role or other)
[Studio] Bug #21478 - Builders: Objects tab is uncomplete
[Studio] Bug #21499: Can't edit a BigQuery named connection
[Studio] Bug #21724: [Text chart]: Sentence manager button not clickable
[Studio] Bug #2173: Problem seen in the PPT document factory
[Studio] Bug #21731: Builder: Legends aren't showing up in the preview
[Studio] Bug #21746: NPE when clicking on configuration button without datamodel in text charts
[Studio] Bug #21748: Canceling chart creation prompts to "Select a datamodel"
[Studio] Bug #21749: bursting menu does not use the right server url
[Studio] Bug #21754: After enabling side panel, switching role resizes the panel
[Studio] Bug #21756: Selecting several flows for sync will enable "with wallet"
[Studio] Bug #21758: Used by builder query does not work
[Studio] Bug #21764: Typo in message
[Studio] Bug #21800: Trash bin does not work for deleting a calculated measure
[Studio] Bug #21807: Deleted role still appears in studio
[Studio] Bug #21812: Global search shows that the wallet contains an item but does not display it
[Studio] Bug #21816: Add refresh button should be always clickable
[Studio] Bug #21818: Pasting no parameter still displays "
[Studio] Bug #21823: Dependency analysis crashed (NPE at analyzeAllInternal)
[Studio] Bug #21828: role wallet tab text not reset after removing search string
[Studio] Bug #21840: Can't edit wallet schedule whereas my user is a supervisor
[Studio] Bug #21847: NPE in PredefinedFunctionPanel
[Studio] Bug #21877: NPE in sqlQueryWidget
[Studio] Bug #21899: Searching for models in roles doesn't work
[Studio] Bug #21902: Add schedule to a DM
[Studio] Bug #21910: Error at display for D3 Bar charts (removing former extra-feature ddMotor, no more useful)
[Studio] Bug #21914: No class def found when editing Google Analytics
[Studio] Bug #21936: unable to create D3 model
[Studio] Bug #21979: unable to create a simple table flow
[Studio] Bug #22003: Error after opening DM manager from chart configuration
[Studio] Bug #22006: Duplicating D3 templates - file names issues
[Studio] Feature #21935: The order of roles in the studio
[Studio] Feature #20823: D3js organization chart

Patch 20221121


18775    Studio: use chart measurements in scales
20594    Buttons to select and test DB should have the same names
21106    Creating a new Profile takes you to the User page
21529    Html builder: images (png and svg, factory or custom) in tables are not displayed either in html or in pdf
21536    D3Js: update cmdr content (+ fix mistake in vizmodelrepo (plugin names inversion), already fixed in d3 cmdr)
21618    Flow's D3 style changes on its own
21623    NodeJS: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'UseAdHocAnalysis)
21635    Studio: Language combo is a little small
21636    Studio: Translation mistake in datamodel config tooltip
21645    Studio: Side panel option issue
21659 Studio: Flow lost when modifying several charts' categories at the same time
21660    Studio: Widget is available at RenderingModelPanelNew.createRadialPreviewProgress
21673    Dashboard: Buttons are displayed badly until we resize browser
21674    HTMLBuilder </br> not correctly treated
21678    PDF Builder: NPE at PDFTemplateTransformer.createPDFBuffer
21682    [DataEntry] "0" as value on form is not saved
21695    Ad-Hoc: reset filter when filter selection apply hide all dimensions
21697    PDF Builder: unexpected error (dataflow null) when trying to create pdf builder and HTML builder + Excel builder
21721    Studio: tooltip not saved
21728    Cant create or modify a CSS in the studio
21747 Studio: tooltip removed after adding a column in chart
21765 Sankey chart doesnt work
21820 [DataEntry] Send form data don't work when the form is on a dashboard user page
21821 [DataEntry] Link between dimension and form input don't work
21822 [DataEntry] Form input link to a user attribute is not filled whe the form is displayed