Upgrade Guide

Last modified by Aurelie Bertrand on 2024/06/06 10:07

This guide describes the procedure and precautions to be taken to update your version of DigDash Enterprise to the new version 2023R2.
It also describes the behavioural changes introduced in this version.

This guide ONLY applies to you if you comply with the best practices described in the dedicated paragraph.
If this is not the case, restart the installation from scratch by following the Linux or Windows installation guide.

❗If you are using an H2 database (not recommended), it has been updated to version 2023 R1. Older versions of the H2 database (DDAudit, Comments and DDDataEntry) are not compatible with this version. Please refer to the topic Migration base de données H2 for more details on the procedures to follow.

Important : Migration of specific developments (all versions)

This procedure does not take into account the migration of specific developments (modification of logos, addition of JSPs, user import scripts, etc.), which may be described in your internal procedures.
If specific developments have been made, make a backup copy of your current installation so that you can recover and migrate all these developments.

Please note since version 2022R2, the value of the langChoice user parameter is now a language code rather than an index. For example, 0 has become "en" and 1 has become "fr". This change must be taken into account :

  • when adapting your user import scripts,
  • in derived measurement formulas that would use ${user.langChoice} to determine the value of a measurement.
  • data filter formulas that use ${user.langChoice}.

DigDash Enterprise installation archives are named digdash_enterprise_2023R2_64.zip or digdash_enterprise_2023R2_numpatch_64.zip.
After extraction, the folder will be called digdash_enterprise_2023R2_64 or digdash_enterprise_2023R2_numpatch_64.

To clarify the procedure, the installation folder for the older version will be named install_dd_OLD and the installation folder for the most recent version will be named install_dd_NEW.
The version number can be seen in the archive's version.txt file or from the "Configuration / Server Status" page ("DigDash Enterprise Version" in the top left-hand corner of the "General Status" section).

Supported configurations :

Server : Tomcat 9 (Windows and Linux)
Server : Java 11 (Windows and Linux)
Under Linux you will need to install Java as a minimum, following the recommendations in the Installation Guide.

Best practices for version 2023 R2

For DigDash Enterprise to work optimally, we recommend that you apply the following recommendations:

Updating DigDash Enterprise to version 2023 R2

This paragraph applies to you if you are upgrading DigDash Enterprise from version 2021 R1 or later to version 2023 R2.
If you are upgrading from version 2021 R1 or earlier, please contact DigDash at contact@digdash.com.

The JDBC drivers have been updated and some of them need to be reinstalled. Please check your requirements in the following document : Ajout Pilote JDBC > Drivers préconfigurés non inclus

The DDAudit module has been modified in version 2023R1. To find out more about the related instructions, see Changes to the DDAudit module.

Update procedure

Step 1 : Backup the configuration

Make a full backup of your configuration: LDAP entries (users, roles, authorisation groups), data models, dashboards, etc.
If you have added files to your installation (modified logos, images, css, added JSPs, etc.), you will need to carry them over to the new installation.
See the Backup and restore documentation.

Step 2 : Stop the server

Stop the DigDash server:

  • On Windows : right-click on your service ("Tomcat 9" by default), then click Stop from your Windows Services application.
  • On Linux : use the command service tomcat9 stop

Step 3 : Backup and delete old applications

Back up and then delete the files and folders in <install_dd>/webapps :

Dossiers :

  • adminconsole
  • ddenterpriseapi
  • digdash_dashboard
  • studio

Fichiers :

  • adminconsole.war
  • ddenterpriseapi.war
  • digdash_dashboard.war
  • studio.war

❗Ne pas effacer le dossier ROOT.

Step 4 : Copy the new applications

Unzip the new version of the product into a temporary location.

Navigate in this temporary folder to the webapps folder.
Copy the following files to the same folder in your installation:

  • adminconsole.war
  • ddenterpriseapi.war
  • digdash_dashboard.war
  • studio.war

Le dossier webapps doit maintenant contenir 4 fichiers .war et le dossier ROOT.

Step 5 : Recover the add-ons

Copy the contents of the add-ons directory to the same location in your installation.
If you have modified certain files (importtools, backtuptools, etc.), save them before copying.

Step 6 : Restart the server

Restart the DigDash server :

  • On Windows : right-click on your service ("Tomcat 9" by default), then click on Start from your Windows Services application.
  • On Linux : use the command service tomcat9 restart.

et let Tomcat redeploy the new applications.

On Linux, refer to the Guide d'installation Linux.
On Windows, refer to the Guide d'installation Windows.

Step 7 : Restore

If you have configured your new installation to point to your old data folder, restoration is not necessary.

Otherwise (new data folder) use the backup from step 1 to restore the LDAP entries (users, roles, authorisation groups).

Important : if you have made changes to configuration files (web.xml, etc.), images or css files in the ddenterpriseapi and digdash_dashboard folders, you will need to carry them over.

Step 8: Clearing the browser cache

Delete the browser cache (shortcut on most browsers: Ctrl + Shift + Delete).

Step 9: Regeneration of data models

Regeneration of data models is recommended in the case of a major version upgrade.

In the Studio Flows tab, right-click on each flow wallet and then click Synchronise for users.

In the Confirm role wallet synchronization box, tick the Force data cubes generation of the selected flows box and then the Force generation of all the dependent cubes box.


Changes to the DDAudit module

The DDAudit module has been modified in version 2023 R1. If you have deployed DDAudit in a previous version, please follow the instructions below:

  • If you have not modified the DDAudit templates and flows, and if you have not created new templates and flows, then it is recommended to uninstall the DDAudit module, delete the role and its data and then reinstall it from the installation zip for this new version, or via the <CMDR insert real name>
  • If you have created your own models and flows for DDAudit, or if you have modified the data models, you must modify the SQL queries of the modified or created data models so that they no longer use the user field but dd_user (the names of the dimensions and measures remain unchanged).

❗If you use H2 as your database for DDAudit (not recommended), you will need to migrate your old database (see topic Migration base de données H2) before you can make these changes.

Behavioural changes in 2023 R2

New features or bug fixes in 2023 R2 have resulted in behavioural changes that may have an impact. We therefore recommend that you consult the following list of behavioural changes.

💡 Items marked with an asterisk * are those for which it is possible, if necessary, to restore the previous behaviour. Please refer to the paragraph Restoring previous behaviour for more information.


Cube display

The user must now have Manage Servers authorization and add the parameter showCubes=true to the url in order to display cubes on the Backup page.

Importing files into the Dashboard Creation Wizard

The user must now have the Upload a document authorization to import files into the Dashboard Creation Wizard.



The AUTO_COMMIT property is now disabled by default for queries on data sources.

User management

For Accessible dashboard pages and Accessible dashboard portlets, the user's value is now concatenated with the values of the profiles assigned to them.

Server parameters

Changing settings for the Audit and Comments databases no longer requires a server restart.


When making a backup, when you check Export dependent files (data files from Common Datasources server, customs icons, style sheets, etc.), pictures referenced in the dashboards are now included.


The chart editing interface has been redesigned to improve the user experience.
A set of features/properties has been moved. See topic Changements édition des graphiques for help.

Document builders

The page numbering mechanism has changed.
Document builders for which page numbering was previously activated will now have a text box generated in the footer in the bottom right-hand corner containing ${builder.pageIndex}/${builder.pageCount} (page number/number of pages).

Dashboard editor


If a background is defined in the Settings -> Properties -> Dashboard interface, it will now be applied by default to all newly added roles.


The default CSS file "default.css" is no longer automatically loaded.
For users using default.css, no CSS will be loaded. To continue using it, you need to define it in Dashboard Editor -> Properties > Styles.


Sorting in tables

The sorting arrow is now placed to the left of the cell (to avoid overlapping with the text).

Table pagination

A new pagination method for very large tables avoids excessive loading times.
By default, pagination is activated with 100 lines per page and virtual scrolling is deactivated.
The pagination buttons are disabled if the number of rows on the current page is less than the total number of rows on the page defined in the user interface (100 by default).


File name

The name of the exported file is now the name of the flow without hyphen. For example, "My flow" is exported in the file "My flow". Previously, "My flow" was exported to the "My_flow" file.


When exporting a crosstable in Excel without styles, the header cells are now merged.

Excel export

Excel export without styles is now only authorized for tables.

Font size proportional to chart size

The Font size proportional to chart size option is no longer available for charts of the Table, HTML Report and Text Report types. If this option was activated in a previous version, it will no longer work.


List of cubes*

The list of cubes refreshed in the audit database is no longer cleaned every day. It is now kept in the database for 6 months (default setting).


In DDAudit, the Memory field now corresponds to the actual size of the cube in memory.


Cube memory size

The cube memory size now includes the size of the attached data. This means that the size changes after the cube is loaded, depending on how data is loaded and used.

Scripts and date

The getFullYear() method is now available to get the date. It returns the year of the date entered, based on local time.
Previously, you had to use getYear() + 1900. This method canstill be used but is not recommended.

Restoring previous behaviour

In some cases, it may be useful to restore previous behaviour. 
For this, you need to edit the system.xml file located in <DD Install>\Enterprise Server\ddenterpriseapi\config\system.xml and add a property line specifying the behaviour.
This operation requires a restart of the DigDash server.

Cube list

Change the value of the following property to false :
<Property key=" PROP_AUDIT_KEEP_MISSING_CUBES" value="false"/>

Deploying a patch on a 2023 R2

This paragraph is about updating a 2023 R2 version to a more recent 2023 R2 version.

It is assumed that your configuration follows the recommendation to use the digdash.properties file. If you have not done so, please refer to the Best practices for version 2023 R2 paragraph.

If your installation contains specific developments, which are located in the applications folders :
<install_dd>/apache-tomcat/webapps/ddenterpriseapi or <install_dd>/apache-tomcat/webapps/digdash_dashboard
they will be lost during the update. Save them before any other operation, so that you recover them after updating.