Region of France before-after 2016

Last modified by Aurelie Bertrand on 2025/02/07 10:18

France - Administrative Regions Maps 2016

On January 1, 2016, a new administrative division came into force.

Since version 2019R2, DigDash Enterprise is delivered by default with the maps of the new French regions. This document describes the procedure for deploying the maps representing the regions before or after this new breakdown.

The files necessary for this procedure are located in the / add-ons / map folder :

  • /
  • /

The “ avec_villes ” files contain an additional level of detail. Navigation to the city level will be possible with these patches.


  1. (optional, if the server has not yet been started or the webapps have not yet been deployed). Start the DigDash Enterprise server and wait for the full deployment of the webapps.
  2. Stop the server
  3. Unzip the archive corresponding to your deployment inside the folder:

                          [Installation folder] \ apache-tomcat \ webapps

                      Overwrite existing files.

                      This action will copy all the files necessary for the server and the dashboard.

4. Start the server.

Important: This procedure will have to be repeated each time the ddenterpriseapi.war and digdash_dashboard.war files are replaced (each time DigDash Enterprise is updated).