Release notes 2023 R2

Last modified by Aurelie Bertrand on 2024/10/01 15:42

Patch 20241001 (last version)

(MD5 : 87f09aed23cef7b3636765b0d69d2f91)

[Dashboard] Bug #34968: "Out of memory" error with Chrome version 129
[Dashboard] Bug #34666: The Scale display mode does not work on new versions of Chrome/Edge/Firefox
[Dashboard] Bug #34671: Empty page when this page contains an object that has a link to an object that no longer exists
[Builders] Bug #34502: Problem with image ratio management.
[Backup] Bug #34535: Restoring a manual or automatic backup fails in some cases
[Data Sources] Bug #27435: Error 404 with a .wlnk source connected to CSV files located on a Google Drive document server
[Studio] Bug #28251&33345: Chart preview shows wrong data when changing data source

Patch 20240722

(MD5 : 9d47c27e6f590323b6ed8a6eac399aa4)

[Charts configuration] Bug #26649: Curves charts: problems with the "Total" member when it is added at the beginning
[Dashboard] Bug #31776: Anomaly in the Calendar type filter
[Dashboard] Bug #32763: Measure selector not working properly with calculated measures created in a flow
[Export] Bug #30987: When exporting to Excel without styles, dimension members are not displayed on the totals
[Export] Bug #33603: Excel without styles export fails for certain tables
[Graphics] Feature #33248: Dissociating the display of dimensions in tooltips
[File Cleaner] Bug #32848: Volumetric issue due to undeleted cubes
[Backup] Bug #27571: Problem restoring a shared schedule (ScheduleInvalid)
[Studio] Bug #28243: Server error when selecting OR aggregation for a measure in a calculated measure
[Studio] Bug #33356: Unable to edit flows in certain cases (Error: Comparison method violates its general contract)
[Studio] Bug #29347: Geojson map selection for an Open Street Map chart is lost each time the chart settings panel is opened
[Studio] Bug #29558: Loading a wlnk file does not work: the last file in the list is loaded instead of the .wlnk file

Patch 20240620

(MD5 : 483bcd95489e14da09713cc4bf56444d)

[Ad-hoc analysis] Bug #31229: Actions at intersections no longer work when adding a dimension to a cross table in ad-hoc analysis
[External API] Feature #31671: New API to return dashboard pages available to a logged in user
[Audit] Bug #28748: Postgresql does not work
[Builders] Bug #31786: The keyword $filter.[dimid] is replaced by the identifier and not by the label in the case of dimensions with legend and hierarchies on geographic dimension
[Configuration] Bug #32781: The license is added by default by the scheduler
[Graphics Configuration] Bug #31349: Color options (palette) are disabled for D3 graphics
[Dashboard] Bug #32447: Incorrect creation of XSRF cookie with reverse proxy
[Dashboard] Bug #32353: The name of the dimension displayed in a filter is truncated
[Dashboard] Bug #28936: The size of objects in a "Tabs" and "Stacking" type group cannot be modified
[Dashboard] Bug #32439: When changing pages, the context of a variable is not preserved
[Enterprise Server] Bug #31936: Longer cube refresh time
[Export] Bug #27915: Euro symbol (€) is not exported to HTML for simple tables and cross tables
[Document factories] Bug #31474: Error when exporting PDF builders containing HTML reports with a link
[Charts] Bug #32288: When the measurement value is 0, the color selected for the alerter does not apply in an Open Street Map
[Import Tool] Bug #32710: The importtools.bat file does not work
[Security] Bug #32181: CVE-2024-32888 on Redshift JDBC driver
[Security] Bug #32947: CVE-2024-22262: org.springframework:spring-web
[Enterprise Server] Bug #32585: Timeout error when generating reports via URL
[Enterprise Server] Bug #31365: "Forbidden file access attempt (Path traversal)" error in SVG files
[Studio] Bug #32577: Crash when editing a PDF builder template
[Studio] Bug #31208: Test connection function error for an existing database
[Studio] Bug #32219: Clockwise does not work for Radar charts
[Studio] Bug #30263: Missing scrollbar on Row axis for crosstables

Patch 20240524

(MD5 : 98150c6502db9a1331e830e6e8ecee0b)

[Authentication] Bug #30868: Token generation problem with extranet type licenses
[Chart configuration] Bug #30242: In a Bar chart, if the "Last stack displayed in text" and "Smart cursor" options are selected, the measure concerned does not appear in the tooltip generated by default
[Dashboard] Bug #31100: Blank page when opening the Dashboard in certain cases
[Dashboard] Bug #30952: Dashboard loading infinitely in some cases
[Dashboard] Bug #30804: Truncated charts in a chart group
[Dashboard] Bug #29998: Axes of Column charts are not displayed in certain cases
[Export] Bug #30987: When exporting “Excel without styles” of a table, the members of the dimension are not displayed on the totals.
[Builders] Bug #27759: PDF builder: Page index is not incremented for a table displayed on multiple pages
[Charts] Bug #32129: Paginated tables do not contain all the measures according to their order of appearance in the result cube
[Charts] Bug #31334: Table pagination is not displayed when no data is visible when opening the page
[Charts] Bug #31063: Wrong format of the first measurement in the case of a hidden measurement for the legend of a map
[Charts] Bug #30398: Open Street Map: in the case of a dimension with legend, the filter interaction uses the legend instead of the dimension
[Charts] Bug #30285: Horizontal scrolling does not work in Studio preview
[Charts] Bug #30273: For Column graphs, the combination of displaying a measurement in line with the scale displayed on the right results in an erroneous visual
[Charts] Bug #29984: Map chart : inaccuracies on countries (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format)
[Charts] Bug #29817: In the case of a Columns chart with two axes (left, right), hiding a measure with the legend icons only hides the left axis.
[Charts] Bug #29339: For Bar charts, labels are duplicated at the top in the case of a large number of measurements on the stacking axis.
[Data Model] Bug #31260: Error when duplicating a time dimension
[Data Model] Bug #31080: Error when duplicating a column
[Data Model] Bug #30514: SQL Database: namedValues does not work if a column is renamed or duplicated
[Configuration Settings] Bug #28557: The list of themes is no longer displayed in Server Settings
[Backup] Bug #31303: Data models indicated as 0/0 and grayed out in the Backup page
[Security] Bug #32180: CVE-2024-32888 on Redshift JDBC driver
[Security] Bug #31963: The SVG tool library causes ddapi to close if SVG analysis is not supported
[Enterprise Server] Bug #31721: Longer refresh time in Studio
[Enterprise Server] Bug #30895: Filters on measures no longer work in crosstabs
[Data Sources] Bug #32018: Performance issue when retrieving date/datetime/timestamp columns in some SQL drivers
[Data Sources] Bug #31321: Error when importing an xlsx file with more than 49 columns when creating a data model
[Data Sources] Bug #30256: Data model is not saved if a column name starts with "temp"
[Data Sources] Bug #29766: Data partitioning using ${user.param} in SQL in data transformers does not work
[Data Sources] Bug #32232: Personalization is lost when IODS is used to transform a custom data model
[Studio] Bug #32049: Error 400 Bad request when editing a DDAudit flow
[Studio] Bug #31267: Overall performance issue with multiple users logged in, or after some time of use
[Studio] Bug #31029: Random error in the Studio
[Studio] Bug #32061: Request to enter password multiple times when creating a connection in Database Connection Manager.
[Studio] Bug #32046: NPE when editing a SQL data source
[Studio] Bug #32037: Unable to edit or create a SQL data model
[Studio] Bug #31846: BigQuery connections created in Data Connection Manager are not saved
[Studio] Bug #31707: The role added in a profile is not taken into account for synchronization with all users in certain cases
[Studio] Bug #31298: A user can delete a shared connection even if they do not have the role to which access to the connection is restricted
[Studio] Bug #31060: Creating a Smart grouping hierarchy does not work
[Studio] Bug #30973: In Spanish, automatic filling of fields from a password manager is not possible for the username whereas it is for the password when connecting to the Studio
[Studio] Bug #29838: A user can see and duplicate a shared connection even if they do not have the role to which access to the connection is restricted
[Studio] Bug #29791: When displaying all json files pointed to by a WLNK file, the pop-up is not adapted (no scrollbar)
[Studio] Bug #29484: When adding an "Elements" type filter, the list of elements is not updated according to the selected hierarchy
[Studio] Bug #28328: Duplicating a column in an IODS model (Python) replaces the last column
[Studio] Bug #28246: Ad-hoc analysis configuration is sometimes lost when creating an advanced calculated metric

Patch 20240412

(MD5: 01076ffb79a0e809b69aae0223114857)

[Backup] Bug #31303: Unable to save data models from the backup page

Patch 20240409

(MD5: 10e80db34603a2941fbc968676705e39)

[Ad-hoc analysis] Bug #30853: If a navigation path is defined on a dimension of a data model, public views are no longer displayed after adding a new dimension
[Ad-hoc analysis] Bug #30820: Display problem on crosstables in ad-hoc analysis (scaling)
[Dashboard] Bug #30911: Unable to change the color of a column/row/cell of a table in ad-hoc analysis
[Dashboard] Bug #30644: Bug when opening a pop-up flow
[Dashboard] Bug #30542: Deactivating the "Save as Excel (without styles)" option does not work on the Dashboard
[Dashboard] Bug #30040: Dependency between filters linked to a chart
[Export] Bug #24677: Header text disappears in the preview of a PDF builder editor
[Builders] Bug #30228: The text editor in a PDF builder shows an empty window when the Studio is in Spanish language
[Builders] Bug #30222: When editing a PDF builder, the button for adding a condition for an object at the footer does not work
[Charts] Bug #30928: Wrong pagination when sorting in a paginated table
[Charts] Bug #30394: Tooltip and font size problem for OSM maps
[Charts] Bug #29898: Label display problem when each measurement stack is negative
[Charts] Bug #29817: In the case of a column chart with two axes (left, right), hiding a measurement with the legend icons only hides the axis on the left.
[Charts] Bug #29703: Wrong position of data labels on map charts
[Charts] Bug #28572: Unable to modify an interaction if the targeted flow no longer exists
[Datasource] Bug #31327: Unable to load an Excel file containing a large number of columns

[Data Model] Bug #30130: Manual geographic grouping does not work when the role identifier contains a space
[Data Model] Bug #31270: Unable to modify a data model after handling a calculated measure in advanced mode

[Enterprise Server] Bug #30570: Infinite loading when analyzing dependencies
[Backup] Bug #30783: The vectoriconrepository.xml file is not restored when you select elements and not the entire file
[Security] Bug #30881: Removed references to protobuf-java present in gwt-servlet.jar
[Security] Bug #30699: Security issue for H2 databases (SQL)
[Security] Bug #30697: VT.02 - Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Reflected
[Security] Bug #30647: CVE on 2023R2
[Security] Bug #29312: IODS: RCE possible if user can modify server settings
[Security] Bug #28864: Security issue for databases (SQL)
[Security] Bug #27259: Backup/Restore crashes on the browser in the case of too many users
[Studio] Bug #30708: Error when creating a first advanced measure in the first data model of a new role
[Studio] Bug #30135: Invalid shared data model and source after creating a chart measure in a flow (using shared DM)
[Studio] Bug #30062: Columns added to the rules panel disappear from selected columns in the SQL Query Wizard
[Studio] Bug #29895: Changes made in advanced graphics editing are not taken into account
[Studio] Bug #28687: When editing a flow, the state of the Show Filters button is reversed and is not preserved between two configurations
[Studio] Bug #26667: Slowness when editing a data model
[Translation] Bug #30623: Incorrect Spanish translation in the "Synchronize for all users" pop-up

Patch 20240326

This patch was removed due to 2 blocking bugs : #31270 et #31327.

(MD5: 0cc58de729c43a221ab7d6f0693847d3)

[Ad-hoc analysis] Bug #30853: If a navigation path is defined on a dimension of a data model, public views are no longer displayed after adding a new dimension
[Ad-hoc analysis] Bug #30820: Display problem on crosstables in ad-hoc analysis (scaling)
[Dashboard] Bug #30911: Unable to change the color of a column/row/cell of a table in ad-hoc analysis
[Dashboard] Bug #30644: Bug when opening a pop-up flow
[Dashboard] Bug #30542: Deactivating the "Save as Excel (without styles)" option does not work on the Dashboard
[Dashboard] Bug #30040: Dependency between filters linked to a chart
[Export] Bug #24677: Header text disappears in the preview of a PDF builder editor
[Builders] Bug #30228: The text editor in a PDF builder shows an empty window when the Studio is in Spanish language
[Builders] Bug #30222: When editing a PDF builder, the button for adding a condition for an object at the footer does not work
[Charts] Bug #30928: Wrong pagination when sorting in a paginated table
[Charts] Bug #30394: Tooltip and font size problem for OSM maps
[Charts] Bug #29898: Label display problem when each measurement stack is negative
[Charts] Bug #29817: In the case of a column chart with two axes (left, right), hiding a measurement with the legend icons only hides the axis on the left.
[Charts] Bug #29703: Wrong position of data labels on map charts
[Charts] Bug #28572: Unable to modify an interaction if the targeted flow no longer exists
[Data Model] Bug #30130: Manual geographic grouping does not work when the role identifier contains a space
[Enterprise Server] Bug #30570: Infinite loading when analyzing dependencies
[Backup] Bug #30783: The vectoriconrepository.xml file is not restored when you select elements and not the entire file
[Security] Bug #30881: Removed references to protobuf-java present in gwt-servlet.jar
[Security] Bug #30699: Security issue for H2 databases (SQL)
[Security] Bug #30697: VT.02 - Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Reflected
[Security] Bug #30647: CVE on 2023R2
[Security] Bug #29312: IODS: RCE possible if user can modify server settings
[Security] Bug #28864: Security issue for databases (SQL)
[Security] Bug #27259: Backup/Restore crashes on the browser in the case of too many users
[Studio] Bug #30708: Error when creating a first advanced measure in the first data model of a new role
[Studio] Bug #30135: Invalid shared data model and source after creating a chart measure in a flow (using shared DM)
[Studio] Bug #30062: Columns added to the rules panel disappear from selected columns in the SQL Query Wizard
[Studio] Bug #29895: Changes made in advanced graphics editing are not taken into account
[Studio] Bug #28687: When editing a flow, the state of the Show Filters button is reversed and is not preserved between two configurations
[Studio] Bug #26667: Slowness when editing a data model
[Translation] Bug #30623: Incorrect Spanish translation in the "Synchronize for all users" pop-up

Patch 20240306

(MD5: 039ae6e9751f2b68e8ed32c63d793191)

[Data entry] Bug #30404: Problem editing forms in Postgresql
[Dashboard] Bug #30364: Error when dashboard is embedded in a website (disable history in URL)
[Dashboard] Bug #30365: Problems opening a new tab to download a document builder when the dashboard is embedded in a website

Patch 20240223

(MD5: 7f14cd1142ce1298b3c83dca1fb4ea63)

[Ad-hoc analysis] Bug #29022: Tooltips reset
[Mobile Client] Bug #29293: Filter drop-down list unreadable in landscape mode
[Configuration] Bug #28995: Role rights not saved when duplicating a user
[Dashboard] Bug #30084: Private browsing does not work correctly on dashboard pages
[Dashboard] Bug #29110: Clicking on "Total" does not correctly filter the chart opened in popup when an interval filter is used
[Dashboard Editor] Bug #29943: Unable to duplicate a dashboard page after creating a chart
[Dashboard Editor] Bug #29818: Issues with Image buttons
[Dashboard Editor] Bug #29776: Incorrect legend display in the case of groups containing a group of type "Slide"
[Dashboard Editor] Bug #29450: Crash after deleting a chart if a filters portlet is based on this chart
[Dashboard Editor] Bug #29270: Adding a flow to a group does not work in some cases
[Export] Bug #29716: Using a builder ID as a model in the export options does not work
[Excel builder] Bug #29541: Error when generating an Excel builder (merging cells)
[HTML builder] Feature #29889: Hiding charts without values
[HTML builder] Feature #29848: Management of headers and footers when converting to PDF
[Graphics] Bug #29474: Error when using the "Group others" option in a TopX
[Graphics] Bug #28678: Unable to remove filters in charts editing
[Import Tool] Bug #29551: Wrong update of [cn] field when importing data
[IODS] Bug #29667: Performance optimization
[IODS] Bug #29580: Generated csv has more rows than source cube in some cases
[Data entry] Bug #29428: Display error for the "Date" object in forms
[Security] Feature #29326: Update to Tomcat 9 delivered
[Security] Bug #28865: Access by non-administrators to the administration console
[Security] Bug #30233: Postgresql update for CVE 2024-1597
[Server] Bug #29664: The number of query parameters is increased to 1000 (Tomcat server included)
[Server] Bug #27456: Random operation of Bex connection
[Data Sources] Bug #29122: Delete command does not work when searching for remote files on a Webdav server
[Data Sources] Bug #28963: NamedValues variable does not work for XLS files
[Studio] Bug #29425: Incorrect top margin value in PDF Assistant
[Studio] Bug #29093: Addition of inconsistent filter
[Studio] Bug #28960: Modifying a filter does not apply to the chart
[Studio] Bug #28555: Search does not work after creating a new hierarchy in the hierarchy manager
[Studio] Bug #28545: Missing configuration interface in hierarchy manager after invalid search
[Studio] Bug #28543: Duplicating a hierarchy in the hierarchy manager causes the original hierarchy to disappear
[Studio] Bug #28334: Filters defined on a dimension do not apply
[Studio] Bug #28007: No tooltip and confirmation message for the server theme reset button
[Studio] Bug #26831: File updates are not taken into account on the document server
[Translation] Bug #29202: Wrong Spanish translations in Dashboard (save and zoom)

Patch 20240125

(MD5: 77ec3e4b1468f473d82bb817f332783a)

[Charts] Bug #27905: Ring chart turns into pie
[Charts] Bug #28716: Displaying values on charts in columns
[Charts] Bug #28959: In a bar chart, incorrect positioning of the label if the measure is 0
[Dashboard] Bug #28680: Charts do not load when accessed in mobile mode
[Dashboard] Bug #28729: Sliders may not work on continuous dimensions
[DashboardEditor] Bug #28339: Cannot enter a description on an element the first time
[DashboardEditor] Bug #28730: Chart links lost when moving a legend into a container
[DashboardEditor] Bug #28925: Unable to add a page in some cases
[DashboardEditor] Bug #29168: The drop-down list for choosing the position type of an element is hidden in certain cases
[DashboardEditor] Bug #29174: No error when creating a new page in "Scaled" mode without size
[License] Bug #27222: Unable to access the license management page when the license is expired
[PPTBuilder] Bug #27607: A chart whose title contains the word "legend" is deleted
[Security] [Dashboard] Bug #28654: Downloading recovery files
[Security] [Dashboard] Bug #28847: Javascript code injection in comments
[Security] [DashboardEditor] Bug #28650: Editing the background image (Path traversal)
[Security] [DashboardEditor] Bug #28886: List of document servers
[Security] [Studio] Bug #28648: Database passwords are readable in a certain way
[Security] [Studio] Bug #29059: Downloading logs
[Security] Bug #28652: Incorrect file sending (RCE)
[Security] Bug #28872: Identification of an ADSWRAPPER commons-collections vulnerability
[Security] Bug #29341: Hazelcast dependency update
[Security][Studio] Bug #28833: All "password" type fields are readable in a certain way
[Server] Bug #28863: Loss of formats in certain cases
[Server] Bug #28984: Loss of certain files when running out of disk space
[SettingsPage] Bug #27818: The "manage user profiles" ACL allows you to delete users
[SettingsPage] Bug #28629: Display of profile attributes crash if user does not have a profile.
[SettingsPage] Bug #28718: Pagination/display of users with wrong profile
[Studio] Bug #25110: Updated some Spanish translations
[Studio] Bug #26965: Unable to create a chart directly in a category
[Studio] Bug #27710: Search bar triggers autofill of browser passwords
[Studio] Bug #27990: PPT/PDF Wizard: Resizing a text box resets the text font size
[Studio] Bug #28544: Hierarchy Manager: Fold button in left panel disappears
[Studio] Bug #28644: Unable to disable “Live security” in a child data model
[Studio] Bug #28677: Unable to download a file located in a subfolder
[Studio] Bug #28684: Unable to rename a file located in a subfolder
[Studio] Bug #28691: We no longer sort in the source transformer
[Studio] Bug #28745: Crash when creating a category in certain cases
[Studio] Bug #28858: Crash when trying to create a new model in certain cases
[Studio] Bug #28894: The "Independent Scales" option does not work on column and row flows
[Studio] Bug #28961: Chart editing: inverted title: "Hide left scale"
[Studio] Bug #28962: Chart editing: Parameters not saved in the configuration of the "Multiplier" axis
[Studio] Bug #28975: Chart editing: impossible to edit the min/max of the right scale
[Studio] Bug #29087: Error when switching between named and manual connection in a BO csv data model
[Studio] Bug #29103: Category error when sharing a data model
[Studio] Bug #29131: Chart editing: inverted title: "show scale"
[Studio] Bug #29189: Disabling tooltip does not work on simple tables
[Studio] Bug #29194: Disabling tooltip does not work on crosstabs and tree tables
[Studio] Bug #29237: D3 template edition no longer saves files
[Studio] Bug #29245: PDF Assistant: cannot set custom margins

Patch 20231221

(MD5 : c39f3dba437e9df4df0ca99b75155ec7)

Bug    29032    Personalization is broken
Bug    28723    [DashboardEditor] The chart is not updated after editing it
Bug    28697    Error in Dashboard scaling mode page
Bug    28657    DashboardEditor: Deleting the content of a field in Dashboard Theme Assistant does nothing
Bug    28604    Editor - chart modifications not advanced - incorrect translations into Spanish
Bug    28596    Dashboard editor backup not taken into account - multi-edition
Bug    28584    IODS-Values present in the model preview do not appear in the chart
Bug    28569    Deleting a chart template in the dashboard editor does not work
Bug    28567    [BO] Bo tool not working with unv exported by SAP BI 4.3
Bug    28565    Problem when the "files hooking" script returns a message with ' (quote) and it is displayed in the dashboard
Bug    28549    Studio: “The application stopped unexpectedly”
Bug    28491    IODS: NPE on getLastError
Bug    28482    IODS: support column formats
Bug    28479    IODS: the columns sent during a transformation are out of order
Bug    28463    Loss of style of captions in PPT factory with wizard
Bug    28456    Popup size: details Backup management
Bug    28441    Maximum limit of the keyword ${filter.Date} adds a day
Bug    28430    Display of map chart is not correct
Bug    28423    IODS: fail cube generation if process is killed prematurely
Bug    28366    Audit Dashboard Usage: pageid column returns different values
Bug    28356    [DashboardEditor] Issues when the root level is hidden on dimension
Bug    28333    Autocomplete on cutting flow in device configuration sometimes doesn't work
Bug    28319   “Number of labels” editable while “Labels on best values” is disabled
Bug    28314    [Profiles] [Multi-domain] Profile taken into account only on the domain at the origin of the operation
Bug    28310    [User settings] [License] Add a user in the license via user interface doesn't work
Bug    28304    Categories are not grouped correctly
Bug    28292    Multiple editing of users in table format allows the deletion of users whereas the classic edition does not allow this
Bug    28286    PDF wizard: missing default margins
Bug    28257    [DashboardViewer] In scaling mode, the “adapt to height” feature does not adapt to the full height of the page
Bug    28242    [Dashboard] Comments portlet: the configuration on a specific flow doesn't work
Bug    28218    BO migration tool not translated when selecting EN with local language FR
Bug    28207    [Dashboard] Offset of unfoldable objects (with scrollbar)
Bug    28042    [DashboardEditor] Can't add home page after it's been deleted
Bug    28041    [DashboardEditor] Deleting home page does not ask for confirmation
Feature    28029    [STUDIO] Visualization model - Interface modification
Bug    28010    MDX query builder does not work
Bug    28008    [STUDIO] Staggered interaction and tooltip
Bug    27988    Labels for charts: editing all languages make the default's disabled
Bug    27972    Documents management Webdav - list/upload not working
Bug    27963    Advanced chart edition: chart's name is lost and weird behavior happens
Bug    27830    Contextual help is not correct when you open from functions manager
Bug    27707    Studio - advanced data model options - non-compliant Spanish translations
Bug    27705    Studio - Creating a calculated measure - Spanish translations not compliant
Bug    27660    PPT Factory: Scrollbar displayed at the middle of text zone
Bug    27624    Color Manager: behavior issues
Bug    25039    When I change the language from Studio options, the UI is bugged for datamodel menu bar
Bug    24629    Shared Schedule: Wrong tooltip in case of missing ACL: Manage common items