Configuring the file

Last modified by Aurelie Bertrand on 2024/07/11 16:52

If you are on Linux, copy the file located in the <install_dd_NEW> folder to the /etc/digdash folder.
It will be found automatically by the server.
Make sure that folders and files have the same rights as the user running the Tomcat service.

To configure the file :

Edit the file <install_dd_NEW>/ and change parameters as indicated in the following paragraphs.

Note that lines starting with a single # character are the ones to edit.
Removing the # character at the start of a line enables the setting.

Data location

When configuring pay special attention to the digdash.appdata or <application>.AppDataPath settings.
The ideal is to use the global setting digdash.appdata: all applications will then use the same root folder.

To specify a location common to all DigDash applications (ldap, server, Studio, etc.), you must modify the digdash.appdata parameter.


becomes :


Be careful to only use slashes "/", or two backslashes "\\".

Pay attention to the LDAP directory data folder. This is the ldapdigdash folder (if you hadn't changed it).

  • If you use the global parameter digdash.appdata then you will need to move your old ldapdigdash folder into the folder specified in this parameter.
  • If you want to continue placing the ldapdigdash folder in another location, use the parameter.

All applications in the same folder (same LDAP):

For a separate LDAP folder:

Other parameters

All other parameters present in this file are prefixed with the name of the relative application:

<application name>.<parameter name>=<value>

You must therefore carry over all the settings that you had modified in the web.xml files of your old installation.

For example, to modify the authentication method (authMethod) on the Dashboard (digdash_dashboard.war) you must modify the parameter digdash_dashboard.authMethod.


becomes : 
